Monday, November 2, 2009

Moved to Blogger

Yes, though this is my first post here, I’ve been into blogging before! I’ve been maintaining my old blog for a while now. I decided to go on and try Blogger. I’m not unsatisfied with Wordpress at all, actually, I quite like it. I just wanted to try Blogger. And since the best way to try something is, well, actually try it, I decided to move my latest blog posts to here.

Blogging for Cowards 101:

  1. What is a coward?
    A coward is an intelligent trained professional, armed with a powerful brain and likes to explore new things, wastes his time banging onto a modern typing machine, hates compilers, loves WoW, and ultimately is scared of the world ending without him learning enough

  2. What is Programming?
    We will figure it out together!

  3. How can this blog help you?
    Sharing is caring, you know? Yeah, I’m scared too. I will share any new stuff I learn about onto this blog, I will even share my own thoughts (don’t waste your time on those)

So, are you with me, are you a coward? I hope so. Life is not fun without learning, and 2012 is so close, we have a lot work to do! Time is running out, life is running out. So let’s get started, shall we? Ladies and Gents!?

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